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Wealth Forum 2015 - Robert Kiyosaki Tallinnassa

  • Saku Suurhall 104b Paldiski maantee Tallinna Estonia (kartta)

Kenelle: Yrittäjälle, työntekijälle, yrittäjäksi haluavalle, sijoittajalle tai taloudellisesta menestymisestä kiinnostuneelle

Rikas isä köyhä isä -kirjan kirjoittaja ja sijoittaja Robert Kiyosaki Tallinnassa!

Lähde tiimimme mukaan tähän ainutlaatuiseen seminaariin

Paikalle odotetaan jopa 3500 osallistujaa yli kahdeksasta maasta. Puhujina ovat Kiyosakin lisäksi suosittu menestynyt kansainvälinen yrittäjä ja kouluttaja ERIC EDMEADES, pienestä Kirgisian vuoristokylästä menestykseen noussut nainen ASEL SYDYKOVA sekä Iso-Britannian kiinteistösijoittaja ja multimiljonääri KEVIN GREEN, joka omistaa yli 700 kiinteistöä. Lavalla tullaan näkemään myös Kiyosakin puoliso, yrittäjä ja kirjailija KIM KIYOSAKI.


Tässä tämän erityisesti taloudelliseen ja liiketoiminnalliseen menestykseen tähtäävän koulutusseminaarin anteja - näiden vuoksi sinun kannattaa osallistua:

  • jos tänä päivänä luotat vain yhteen tulovirtaan, niin täällä kuulet, miten sinun tulisi valmistautua tulevan vuoden 2016 taloudellisiin kriiseihin ja miten selviät niistä ja miten voit jopa hyödyntää sen.
  • strategioita, jotka voit ottaa välittömästi käyttöön omien tulostesi parantamiseen
  • miten voit menestyä jokaisella elämän osa-alueella, enemmän kuin uskot mahdolliseksi
  • miten luoda liiketoimintasi niin, että et ole yrityksesi orja ja että yrityksesi omistaminen on sinulle nautinto
  • miksi juuri nyt on oikea aika perustaa yritys eikä odottaa huomiseen
  • taitoja ja tietoa, jota tarvitset onnistuaksesi liiketoiminnassa ja myynnissä
  • mikä estää sinua menestymästä ja miten voit selättää esteet
  • periaatteet siihen, miten voit muuttaa työntekijän asennetta yrittäjämaiseksi
  • miten menestyä riippumatta siitä, mitä maailman taloudessa tapahtuu.

Osta lippusi tästä nyt parhaaseen hintaan!

Säästä 100 € peruslipun hinnasta, kun ostat ennen kuin tarjous päättyy!

257 €
(norm. 350 €)


397 €
(norm. 575 €)

1 500 €
(norm. 2 000€)

Wealth Forum 2015 -seminaarin järjestää Edu Akadeemia, joka on Uskalla Innostua -tiimin yhteistyökumppani Virossa. Uskalla Innostua on Wealth Forum 2015 -seminaarin virallinen partneri Suomessa.





Lähtö 27.10. aamulla ja paluu illalla:

Ti 27.10.2015 klo 07:30 M/S Superstar

Ti 27.10.2015 klo 22:30 M/S Superstar

Yhteensä 26€

Lähtö 26.10. illalla ja paluu 27.10. illalla:

Ma 26.10.2015 klo 19:30 M/S Superstar

Ti 27.10.2015 klo 22:30 M/S Superstar

Yhteensä 48€

Voit katsoa laivamatkoja alla olevilta sivuilta:
Tallink Silja Line
Eckerö Line

Suosittelemme lähtöä jo edellisenä iltana, jolloin olet aamulla valmiina Tallinnassa.
Laivamatka kestää kaksi tuntia, ja matka seminaaripaikalle minimissään 15 minuuttia.
Jos laiva lähteekin myöhässä tai laivasta ei heti pääsekään ulos, voi 7.30 lähdöllä aikataulu mennä liian tiukaksi ehtiä seminaariin ajoissa. Tämä on kuitenkin sinun valittavissasi milloin haluat matkustaa.

Kartta Tallinnan satamasta seminaaripaikalle

Matka satamasta seminaaripaikalle autolla on 15min.


Seminaarin täysi kuvaus alla - Tiedot hotelleista tulossa.

Wealth Forum 2015 - Take charge of your own finances!

Robert Kiyosaki will make just one appearance in Eastern Europe – in Estonia. The venue will be filled by 3500 people from at least 8 different countries. Yes, this is going to be powerful and exceptional. In addition to world famous Robert Kiyosaki there will also be Eric Edmeades, Asel Sydykova and a fourth person coming on stage. The latter will be revealed shortly. As of today these speakers have changed the lives of millions of people.

While the financial crises in 2008 hit hard, it was just a warm up for what is ahead of us now. Are you ready for that? Robert Kiyosaki saw the previous downturn coming already in 2002 and he was very accurate in his predictions. Kiyosaki says he sees an even bigger crash approaching in 2016 but for those who are prepared the future will be bright.

To be ready for the instability of the near future you need to be up to date about the rules of the financial world today. Now is the time to become informed!

Unfortunately our education system does not prepare people for entering tough financial environment and almost no one teaches how to use the current financial system to one’s advantage. This is the main reason why Edu Akadeemia is organizing the Wealth Forum and bringing four internationally successful people to Estonia. They will share strategies that work, that have helped them in achieving financial freedom and that may considerably raise your financial security.

This is not just another seminar or training. It is a unique opportunity to be a part of a first of its kind world class event the purpose of which is to increase the financial literacy and wealth of Estonians and prepare as many people as possible for the insecure times that are approaching.

We will guarantee each participant at least 2 to 3 life or current circumstance-altering ideas or thoughts that will help them be a better and wiser version of themselves and lead a life filled with many more opportunities.


You will get the following practical knowledge:

  • if today you are relying on a single income stream then what should you be doing to prepare yourself for the financial crises of 2016, survive it and benefit from it;
  • strategies to implement immediately for improving your results;
  • how to be more successful in every area of life, quicker than you thought possible;
  • how to create and systemize your business so you would not be a slave of your company and owning it would instead give you pleasure;
  • why is now just the right time to start a company and not wait until tomorrow;
  • skills and knowledge you need to succeed in business and sales;
  • what is holding you back from succeeding and how to overcome obstacles;
  • principles for changing a mindset of an employee into one of an entrepreneur;
  • how to be successful regardless of what is happening in the economy.

In addition …

  • We are expecting participants from more than 8 countries which gives you an opportunity to make international contacts.
  • There will be 3500+ people who think similarly to you, the energy will be powerful.
  • The presenters are going to focus on their given knowledge to be readily implemented into reality and for the benefit of each participant.
  • The event will be held in English (with Estonian and Russian translation options)


257 €
(regular 350 €)

397 €
(regular 575 €)

1 500 €
(regular 2 000 €)

Presenters in Wealth Forum 2015

Robert Kiyosaki

Author and financial education expert


Robert Kiyosaki is the spokesman of financial education and financial freedom in the USA, investor, entrepreneur and a bestselling author. He has written more than 30 books and created numerous DVD and CD programs. Over 35 million copies of his books have been sold. Kiyosaki’s most famous book „Rich Dad, Poor Dad“ is the no 1 financial book of all time with more than 28 million copies sold.

Robert Kiyosaki is the author of Cashflow – a board game that helps improve financial literacy. The game also has a children’s version.

Kiyosaki has got a lot of attention for his predictions. In his book „Rich Dad Prophecy“ (published in 2002) he predicted the economic downturn of 2008 and the collapse of Lehman Brothers Bank. This is exactly how it went. In the same book he also predicted that in 2016 an even bigger crises is coming. Will this happen? Many signs show that Kiyosaki is right again.

Eric Edmeades

International entrepreneur

Screenshot 2015-08-06 10.13.02.png

Eric Edmeades comes from Canada. He is a successful international entrepreneur. He is one of the best business mentors in the world. Those who are active in the field AND also teach it are the most valuable. Eric Edmeades has built many companies in a way that his presence is not necessary. He has bought, grown and sold businesses in different industries including mobiles, medical training, designing 3D cameras and even Hollywood special effects studio where among others Pirates of the Caribbean, Transformers and Ironman’s effects have been shot.

Despite the fact that he currently owns many companies he has plenty of free time for his hobbies, family, coaching other entrepreneurs and delivering trainings. As a mentor he is very practical. Eric’s training programs have a balance of high energy inspiration and realistic strategies that all together bring real change to the world of business.

Eric Edmeades has shared the stage with Anthony Robbins and Richard Branson and helped thousands of entrepreneurs move towards business freedom.

Asel Sydykova

International trainer


Asel Sydykova is originally from Kyrgyzstan but she moved to London when she was 20 to study English and make it further in life than women from mountain villages usually do. Today she is the head of development of the European region in the world’s largest seminar organizing company Success Resources.

Performing on a stage is another passion of hers. Asel has learned from world class trainers like Anthony Robbins, T. Harv Eker, Robert Kiyosaki, Richard Branson etc. Currently she is a trainer herself passing on the knowledge from these famous people and adding her own interpretations.

Asel Sydykova: „Success doesn’t choose nationality, gender, age or looks. Successful are those who believe in the possibility of their dreams and take action.“

Kim Kiyosaki

Entrepreneur and author


Kim Kiyosaki is so much more than American million-dollar smile and blond hair. She could have just enjoyed the success and wealth of her millionaire husband Robert Kiyosaki but instead she decided to secure her own present and future. This has been her journey of learning, growth and experience and she has accomplished a lot.

Today Kim Kiyosaki is a successful entrepreneur, investor and the creator of the brand Rich Woman. She is a role model for millions of women. Kim is a perfect example of an independent and bold woman from whom everyone has a lot to learn.

In addition to investing, entrepreneurship, real estate and authoring books she is a very active performer who inspires men and women with all her experience and knowledge. An excellent saying applies to her: still water runs deep.

Kevin Green

Entrepreneur and investor


Kevin Green shares his own business experiences with a hands on approach. The media has often referred to Kevin as being “Exactly what it says on the tin” meaning he does practise what he preaches. Green is a self-made multi-millionaire and social entrepreneur. He is the UK’s largest residential property landlords (over 700 properties!) and a multi-business owner (over 25 companies).

The 53-year-old dyslexic, who featured on Channel 4’s Secret Millionaire, was homeless in 1984. Today his property portfolio runs into the hundreds. He even owns his own streets.

He has a wealth of experience in the property investment world and heads a number of successful companies and other non-property related businesses.

Over the last decade Kevin continues to thrive in business and chooses to give back to the next generation of entrepreneurs by sharing his knowledge and wisdom. His speciality talks include motivation, empowerment and coaching. He enjoys giving businesses and organisations an insight into what it takes to become successful in the business world.

Any questions?

Call us 0400 137 989 or contact.

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